Interior Decoration with plants

Interior Decoration with plants

By Rupanzal
A room is incomplete without a touch of nature.
Unfortunately, as interior plants are often added as last minute accessory items, the decorative containers for such plants are likewise selected in a rushed, haphazard manner.
Before you make a mad dash to the garden center, use these 9 steps to select the right planters for your interior:

Don't settle. If you've taken time to select stylish furnishings, don't settle for ordinary planters from the corner hardware store. There are countless resources available such as independent retailers, antique stores or online. Spend time to find the right planters.

Understand Scale. The planter size should be in proportion to the plant. For Table top plants, a decorative planter should have a diameter that is at least 1 inch larger than that of the grow-pot (the ugly black nursery pot that the plant comes in). Large floor plants typically require a decorative container with a diameter that is 2 to 4 inches larger than the grow-pot.

No Drainage Holes. Your decorative container should be water tight with no drainage holes, otherwise leakage will cause damage to carpeting and floor finishes. If you select a material that sweats or breathes such as ceramic, use a water tight plastic liner within the planter. If you purchased a planter with holes, carefully fill in the holes with waterproof materials such as epoxy.

Complement the color scheme. Transitional interiors call for contemporary planters with a rich or creamy finish. On the other hand, stark, modern interiors consisting mostly of blacks, whites, and grays need bright-colored planters to cheer up the spaces. Terra cotta and wood planters with waterproof liners are great accents to warm a space.

Look at the hardware. Metallic planters or those glazed with metallic finishes are good defaults for the home or office. Use the color of the knobs, hinges and furniture legs as a guide for selecting the metallic finish. Brushed metallic finishes are more current than shiny ones.

Think series, not groupings. Don't cluster those Peace Lilies in the corner anymore. Create a series. Position the plants linearly or stagger the heights. Tall, V-shaped planters are superb in series of three, and are especially stunning in bright colors.

Select plants before the artwork. Artistic placement of a tall, bright-colored series of planters along a wall or corridor can replace the need for artwork. As plants and planters are rather inexpensive, it will allow you to allocate more of your budget to fewer, nicer pieces of art.

Get focal. When decorating with plants, less is more. A few strategically placed specimen trees in substantial containers produces the 'wow' that finishes a room.

Consult an Expert. Plants and planters are very affordable. If you are unsure on what plants to choose, or which plants will live in your space, consult a professional interior plants-caping company.

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