Green - the Master Color

photo by J. Johnsen   

Green in a garden speaks to us on a visceral level.  The message it sends is one of ultimate calm. 

Associated with harmony and renewal, green is the 'master color' of Nature, exhibiting more shades in a garden than any other color. This is why a green-only garden can appear to have so many hues...

cacophany of greens

The Hindus say the light energy of green governs the heart chakra of our body. 

They believe that imagining green or surrounding ourselves with green will allow more love, emotional balance and empathy to enter our life. 

Owl Rock, Innisfree, Millbrook NY  - photo J. Johnsen 

Gardeners, no doubt, benefit from this association -  as Russell Page, the English landscape designer, sagely noted, “Green fingers are the extension of a verdant heart.”

Grass Garden by Jan Johnsen 

Physiologically, green calms the nervous system and slows the production of stress hormones.

In feng shui green is the color of fresh energy and new beginnings.

Have you had your green today?

ardbraccan labyrinth 

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