Garden of Oz in Los Angeles

Somewhere in Beachwood Canyon in the Hollywood Hills (beneath the Hollywood Sign) in Los Angeles, way up high, is a hidden garden that you may have heard of, once in a lullaby. 

Garden of Oz - photo by Gerard Bosch
It is a treasure trove of recycled garden art - multi-color mosaics and hand painted tiles mixed with old Matchbox cars and Hot Wheels glued or otherwise embedded in the rockwork.
And add to this a riot of plants and flowers cascading over benches, and fountains. It even contains a pathway paved with yellow bricks. closed iron gate announces the Garden of Oz. And outside the mailbox reads “Letters to Oz”.

Perhaps a  flying monkey swoops down each day to pick up the mail.

The story goes that Gail, the garden's owner, was an adviser to the Pope back in the day. She created this multi faith garden and gave all the children who live nearby a key to get inside whenever they please. And it's been said that the Dali Llama once sent 15 of his monks to bless the garden which features menorahs, statues, and mandalas from all over the world. It even has a Peace Pole.

Garden of Oz - photo by Gerard Bosch

I would love to visit this mini-paradise, located at 3106 Ledgewood Drive, Hollywood, so if anyone happens to come upon a local kid with a key, let me know.  :-)


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