Tiptoe through the Tulips

My dear client, Mark, has been overcome with Tulipmania.
It is a wonderful malady that encourages someone to plant thousands of bulbs in the fall.

It started out gently for Mark - we had just finished the total site design around a magnificent house he had built. This included viewing gardens, a terrace and outdoor kitchen for entertaining, entry drive and parking area, walls and steps and more.

I planted some tulip bulbs around a newly planted Kwanzan cherry tree to give him a quick burst of spring color.

Mark was very appreciative the next spring when he saw the deep red tulips encircling the tree at the entry to his house.  He just wished I had planted a 'few' more.....

Well, that was about 5 years ago.  Today Mark plants tens of thousands of tulips on his lovely property.  And the effect is overwhelmingly delicious!

The tulips are planted with abandon - color blends dominate and it looks, to me,  like an ice cream social! Those sherbet colors meld together in a sweet concoction of tulip-iciousness. ( hey, a new word!)

So look now at those bulb catalogs coming your way - even if you have a 'postage stamp' of a yard - like I do - you can still plant fabulous colors and dreamy blends in a sunny corner...

Just keep those pesky deer away....Yes, Mark has a fence.

By the way,  a good bulb catalog you can order from now is Van Bourgondien

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