Red Obelisk European Beech - a Winner!

Red Obelisk European Beech 

Red Obelisk European Beech is a 2015 Cary Award winner and for good reason!

It is a narrow, columnar tree with wavy, lustrous, burgundy-black foliage all spring and summer.

 Ideal for tight planting areas, it can grow 40 ft. high and no more than 10 ft. wide after several decades. Tolerant of urban pollution so it is good for city landscapes. 

Red Obelisk European Beech Tree

It is a pest-free cultivar, shows good tolerance to road salt, compacted soils and a little light shade (which reduces the intensity of foliage color).

In fall its foliage turns coppery-bronze, holding for weeks, eventually dropping to display a distinct winter-branching outline against the sky.

Plant it  for a strong vertical accent. Or use several trees to form a hedge.

Young Red Obelisk trees

Red Obelisk is quite tolerant of soil conditions - it needs adequate drainage but other than that, fares well in almost all soil types. It  prefer lots of sunlight.

Red Obelisks are able to handle temperatures down to about -30 degrees F. 

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