Unhappy Hipsters in the Garden

These photos and captions are from Unhappy Hipsters....a very funny website, please check it out..I have my comments in bold below.

Sure she was watering a street tree during a statewide drought. But the gate was made of recycled street signs. Carbon footprint: neutral.
(Photo: Randi Berez; Dwell Magazinre, Dec/Jan 2006)

My comments - you gotta love that street sign fence!

The porthole windows seemed like a good idea. But now the house appeared to be leering at them, distinctly ominous.
(Photo: Philip Newton; Dwell Magazine, March 2004)

My comments - such emphasis on the house design..such little emphasis on the landscape...

It became their routine. And so the evenings stretched out before him: still, gray, and gravel-strewn.
(Photo: Dean Kaufman; Dwell, November 2006)

my comments - OMG..must be hot as blazes in the summer

Not on the grass, Sweetie. Never. On. The. Grass. See how much fun Daddy is having?
(Photo: Jack Thompson, Dwell, October 2009)

My comments - Those pavers set in the grass are too far apart, a common mistake.  To get to the door you have to take giant steps or forget about staying on the paving altogether....

Flipping the pages hurriedly, he sensed that the potted plants were advancing.
(Photo: Dean Kaufman; Dwell, Dec/Jan 2007)

My comments - HaHa..I have this urge to plant some climbing ivy there, anywhere.

We’re not ready to go out there yet, honey. And besides, didn’t I do a pretty good job bringing the outside in?
(Photo: Christopher Sturman, Dwell, November 2009)

My comments - Oh No... I use that line all the time!

(I would love your comments as well...) 

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