Deer-Resistant Shade Plant - 'Luxuriant' Bleeding Heart

'Luxuriant' Bleeding Heart - Stoneridge Nursery   
If you love the lacy look of deer resistant Bleeding Hearts but wish that they lasted beyond spring then you are in luck!  The cherry-red hearts of 'Luxuriant' Fringed Bleeding Heart will dangle on arching stems above mounds of graceful, fern-like foliage from May to October (in cooler climates).

This prolific bloomer prefers shade but can be grown in partial sun. 

It comes back every year and looks so wonderful in large drifts with deer resistant ferns and Ladies Mantle.  Its blue-green foliage is also quite attractive and can be planted in pots or as a ground cover.  Butterflies like it too. 

Luxuriant Bleeding Hear at Monrovia

The Fringed Bleeding Heart is smaller  in size than its showier cousin, Bleeding Heart, but it lasts longer and has such great foliage. Easy to grow, fast growing, sells out....

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