photo by Brian Auer at Fineartblog

Thank You, Pantone!

I have been waiting for the design and fashion world to celebrate the color Green.

We need this color right now. In a stress-filled, war-torn world, Green can calm us.

Desirable Emerald Green traits: 
fresh, pure, radiant, lush, healing.
This year, the  color is of growing things with more than a hint of hope. Pantone selected this jewel tone for 2013 because the company believes Green promotes balance and harmony and inspires well-being.

Emerald as a precious stone has been valued throughout centuries for promoting good health, prosperity, and renewal. It is associated with Venus, the goddess of love, and in some cultures, an emerald stone is believed to heal diseases of the eye and heart.

photo by Myu Myu on Flikr

Did you know that patients in a waiting room that had real plants or at least featured posters of plants experienced less anxiety and stress than patients in a room with no green? ( according to an experiment among 462 patients).   Striking result: males are more susceptible to the anxiety and stress reducing effect of plants than women.  (Researchers: Dion Langeveld, Camiel Beukeboom, Karin Tanja-Dijkstra, Free University)

Green Lotus Seedpod

Adding Greenery and Trees Makes Life More Manageable

In a study conducted in a Chicago public housing development, women who lived in apartment buildings with trees and greenery immediately outside reported greater effectiveness and less procrastination in dealing with their major life issues than those living in barren but otherwise identical buildings. Even small amounts of greenery—a few trees and a patch of grass—helped them feel and do better.

Dr. Frances E. Kuo has proposed that exposure to green surroundings refreshes the ability to concentrate, leading to greater effectiveness at coping with major life issues. (Kuo, F.E. (2001). Coping with poverty: Impacts of environment and attention in the inner city. Environment & Behavior, 33(1), 5-34.)


Green Rules in the Garden...

Echinacea 'Green Jewel'

The compact, fragrant Coneflower cultivar called 'Green Jewel' is from renowned garden designer Piet Oudolf! 

The blooms measure 3 to 5 inches wide, with two rows of somewhat short, broad, curled and ruffled petals surrounding a deep green cone. Just 20 to 24 inches high in bloom, this plant sets dozens of blooms over its long mid- through late summer season. And the fragrance is heavenly - like an old-fashioned cottage flower garden!
'Green Jewel' is smaller, more fragrant than the traditional Purple Coneflower, and it is tolerant of heat, humidity, drought, cold, and even poor soil, thriving in full sunshine and well-drained soil just about everywhere.. Combine with other Echinacea in garden and container. Zones 3-8.

Echinacea 'Green Jewel'

Lemon Grass

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is an easy to grow herb that requires warm, humid conditions, full sunlight and plenty of moisture. It is a tender perennial that is commonly grown as an annual in cooler areas. Nurseries and seed companies generally sell small starter plants. Fresh stalks of lemongrass (leaves and roots absent) can be purchased at grocery stores specializing in Asian cuisine and will root in a glass of water in about 2 weeks. 

Upright Elephant Ear 

Alocasia 'Portodora' makes a stunning, giant, upright clump of elephant ear leaves. This is truly an architectural specimen plant for any garden. As with all elephant ears, a moist, rich organic soil is best. A good, thick winter mulch helps prevent rot caused by cold, damp soils. Grows to 96 inches tall, zone 7 -10.

Emerald Green will be a welcome addition to the Pantone Colors of the Year selection. Bravo to those who made this choice. Now its time to get ourselves back to the garden, to paraphrase Joni Mitchell. 

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