Foot Chi for All! A Reflexology Path for Your Garden

I have a dear friend who loves to walk barefoot in his garden. I know he enjoys the sensation but I wonder if he knows how good it is for his health?

In fact, I am thinking of suggesting the addition of a 'Foot Chi Path' to his amazing landscape...

Have you ever heard of the Chinese tradition of Stone Stepping?

This ancient practice recommends walking barefoot on a surface of rounded, small stones for a variety of health benefits.

When the scientists at the Oregon Research Institute control tested Chinese cobblestone stepping thay found that the older adult participants "experienced significant improvements in mental and physical well-being."

Their study suggested that this simple activity could be an answer to the quest for a "simple, convenient, and readily accessible exercise program that will reduce health problems and improve quality of life of the aging population."

The names for this cure-all vary: stone stepping, cobblestone-mat walking, pebble path, foot chi path,  Reflexology Path or Barefoot Health Path. Whatever it is called, this idea will capture many serenity gardeners' imaginations.

The rekindled interest in this ancient practice has been spearheaded by Jesuit priest who heads a congregation in Taiwan - Father Joseph Eugster. Here he writes:

"In nearly every village in Taiwan they have built special paths of pebbles and every morning at 3 or 4 o'clock, people walk barefoot around the pebble path for a half hour before they go to work. Hundreds, even thousands do this. It has become a way of life. I think this is very important. We eat three times a day for our health. For me it is like praying or meditation, I need it for my bodily health and I think every body needs it." (Father Josef Eugster, (British) Reflexions , March 1995, pp. 16-17.)

Father Eugster was introduced to cobblestone walking and reflexology in 1977 when he suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis in his knees. It cured him.  He gradually developed his own variations on the known techniques judging their value solely by the results and now he has taught his techniques to the world.

Father Josef has also taught Reflexology to blind and handicapped people in Taiwan,  assisting them in finding an ethical means to support themselves. Since Reflexology is highly sensitive to touch and intuitive feel, he feels their natural handicap can also become a significant advantage. What a great idea!

The bottom of the foot has more nerve endings than any other part of the body. These are connected to the various organs it follows that stimulating these nerves stimulates the organs!

Cobblestone walking can help relieve tiredness and provide a general boost to wellbeing.   This idea opens up so many opportunities for gardeners and designers alike. Healing Gardens should all incorporate this idea.

I hope to see many Foot Chi paths in the future. 

by Bill Benlsey, Bensley Design Studio, Thailand

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